Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

This weekend we needed to get out. We called some friends and went out to dinner and a movie. My sis and her fiance joined us for dinner and we all met up with Seth and Karen for the movie.
We ended up seeing How to Train Your Dragon. We loved it. And recommend it to anyone. It was fun trying to guess who the actors were since we didn't know beforehand. We got two of the characters right, but couldn't figure out the rest! After the movie we saw a display for Ironman 2 which got us all very excited. And we got this cute shot of Seth and Karen. You can tell by this picture they're fun to have around. :) It was a much needed date night.

Sophie's birthday

Can you believe it? I can't, she is still my baby. It's amazing how fast time goes when you look back. For her birthday we went out to McDonald's. Sad I know, but she loves chicken nuggets and fries and to play.... She had a blast. This is the first time she's gone and been able to play, so it was a perfect solution to kill time before her party. Her party.

I did it a little bit different this time around. With Aubree I invited EVERYONE, which was fun but I hate for people to think they're invited just because I want presents. So for Sophie I just invited her friends and their parents. It was really fun and everyone came. Sophie got really nice gifts from everyone (thanks again) and had a fun time with the kids she likes to play with.

She did a good job with her cake. Although she was pretty calm. It's fun to compare your kids reactions to things and Soph definitely wasn't as interested as Aubree. It was nice not having to deal with a sugar rush and then a crash. And it made the next day better too.
Happy Birthday Sophie!

Aunt Jenni

Last Friday my Aunt Jenni and Uncle Corey came out for the weekend. My sister Carlee was giving us both a perm on Saturday morning so they thought it would be fun to come out the night before and stay the night. We agreed. :)

My friend Karen had invited me to go to the New Moon release party that night and since Jenni also loves the books I invited her. It worked out perfect that this was the weekend she was here. Well Karen wasn't feeling well but Jenni and I were still up so we decided it would be fun to still go. Neither of us went to the Twilight party so we didn't really know what to expect. We found out that the actors who play Mike, Eric and Angela would be there! We went half an hour early and there were no parking places available. It was awesome. Once we got in the lines were crazy! There was a line for autographs, but since it basically wrapped around the whole store a few time we decided to get in the line only for the movie. We took turns waiting while the other went and saw the actors and stretched our legs. My aunt got some pretty good pics of them.
So here's Mike with longer dyed hair.
Angela with out her glasses. Obviously a prop. :)
And Mike.
It was fun, full of crazy die hard's, little teeny boppers in love and more than I thought normal people like us. I probably won't go for any others, but I'm glad we went. I love spending time with my Aunt and having girl nights.

Random Samplers

I've been crazy busy this month with my sister's wedding, so I have fallen out of blogging. Well I have a nice pile to catch up on and it will only get worse. So here are some fun things the girls have been doing


Loving spaghetti

Crawling back into the bathtub after I had her dried, lotion and diapered. (it weighed about 10lbs)
Exploring new places. Not fun for me.

Figuring out how to crawl over every barricade I build to block the stairs.
And trying to eat lotion.

Loves taking pictures with my phone. We have a lot of her foot shots.
Lining up toys at Sammy's house
Feeding Soph spaghetti
Helping us pick out new couches, and getting all static in the process.
And her new favorite. Dressing herself. (my least favorite)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where's Sophie?

On the way to bed the other night I gave a quick peek into Sophie's room. (Which I hardly EVER do). And for half a second I couldn't see her. Luckily she's loud so I could hear her cute little snore. But in the dark all I saw was crazy bumpers and piles of blankets. It wasn't until my eyes adjusted that I saw her cute little face. So this is why you tie all the strands on the bumper. Lesson learned.