Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sophie's birthday

Can you believe it? I can't, she is still my baby. It's amazing how fast time goes when you look back. For her birthday we went out to McDonald's. Sad I know, but she loves chicken nuggets and fries and to play.... She had a blast. This is the first time she's gone and been able to play, so it was a perfect solution to kill time before her party. Her party.

I did it a little bit different this time around. With Aubree I invited EVERYONE, which was fun but I hate for people to think they're invited just because I want presents. So for Sophie I just invited her friends and their parents. It was really fun and everyone came. Sophie got really nice gifts from everyone (thanks again) and had a fun time with the kids she likes to play with.

She did a good job with her cake. Although she was pretty calm. It's fun to compare your kids reactions to things and Soph definitely wasn't as interested as Aubree. It was nice not having to deal with a sugar rush and then a crash. And it made the next day better too.
Happy Birthday Sophie!


  1. I love watching her walk!! Soooo cute!!! P.S. Your McDonalds is the nicest one I've ever seen!!!

  2. So cute! I can't believe it's been a year already. I hope you gave her a hug for me. Happy birthday, Soph! :) (Her walking is way cute. I love how unstable she is.)

  3. Sam loved it. james, well you know. Sam still talks about the "birthday party". :)

  4. Happy late birthday, sophie!

    Can I just say that your kitchen is so amazingly clean!!! I hope my kitchen sees your kitchen and strives to be like that when it grows up! :)
