Wednesday, February 1, 2012


November, December, and January Books

Children Of Hamelin by Danny Lasko
LOVED LOVED LOVED this book.  It's definitely on my favorites list, currently at #1!  I can't wait to read sequels if and when they happen. It's Hunger Games meets fairy tales, meets magic... sort of, that doesn't really do it justice, but it is superb.  I really hope it gets published so the rest of the world can enjoy it as much as I did.

 Troubled Waters  by Dean Hughes
 How Many Roads?  by Dean Hughes
 Take Me Home  by Dean Hughes
 So Much of Life Ahead by Dean Hughes

I read all of these in a row, so they all kind of blend into one story for me...I like his first series better.  I had a hard time picturing characters the right age 'cause I knew all the parents as teens and young adults in the first series.  I wanted to read about the Berlin Wall falling and those effects, I wanted to read about the Vietnam War ending, and I needed more closure along some of the story lines...this is the first time EVER I have skipped pages in a book.  One of the characters story line was SO BORING during book 4, so I basically skipped it.  

Those were the negatives, but there were plenty of positives.  As far as stories go, it still kept me entertained and not wanting to put it down at times.  I related to some characters and wanted to know more about others.  Every time it switched story lines I was sad/excited cause I wanted to know what was going on in everyone's lives.  It's definitely a series I would recommend, you just can't compare it to the first :) I love going on journey's within books, and it's always sad when it ends.  

On the list for February:
Children Of Hamelin (new revised copy) CAN'T WAIT to read this and see what's changed, new, different....I hope I like it! 

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (I need to read this again because I started Clockwork Prince and realized I was so lost...)

Clockwork Prince by Cassandre Clare 
Also can't wait for this.

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