Thursday, February 2, 2012

Scripture story and snack

During December I tried something with the girls.  I didn't do very well, in fact I think I only did it twice!  But last month we did awesome.  It's now part of our routine.

One week in Relief Society, my neighbor shared her "secret".  She has 6 kids and always seems on top of things.  Obviously she's not perfect, but she did say she has a secret and wanted to share.  It's simple, not profound.  But it takes DOING to be effective.  She explained that she shares with her kids a scripture story EVERY day.  Just a short story.  In her own words, with pictures.  As she was telling us this, my thought was it sounded so simple.  But I felt the spirit wave up and down my back so strong I knew in that moment I was going to do it with my girls, even if it sounded simple.  She recommended doing it while the kids were eating, so that they're busy with something but available to listen.

We have been doing it at lunch every day (well, with the exception of Sunday.  By the time we get home from church it's nap time and they need to eat FAST, and I figure they just came from a they're good for the day :)'s been AWESOME.  The girls just LOVE it.  They get so excited to hear a new story.  Some times I bear my testimony, sometimes I keep it light.   It has been amazing to watch them learn these stories for the first time.  They want to hear them again and again.  Even when I'm done with the story for the day, they'll ask me to repeat a favorite from a previous day.  Sometimes we have 5 stories a day!  At church they'll recognize names or references and get SO excited.  It's these moments that make me so proud.

So far their favorite stories are: Noah's Ark (part 1 and 2) and Adam and Eve.  All I do is use my gospel art kit.  Every Sunday I get the next 6 stories and review them so I know what I'm talking about. :) Sometimes I edit them if I think they're not age appropriate ie Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac..GREAT story to tell and learn, but maybe in a few years.  Joseph refusing Potifer's wife, ya, don't want to get into that yet :) but for the most part I just go in order of the kit.  Apparently it starts in the Bible so they are learning all those stories right now.   I LOVE doing this and can't wait to see what stories we're doing next!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty cool. Gave me goosebumps reading it. I remember Grandad and Granni having FMH growing up and reading the illustrated Book of Mormon stories. Next time you are up there ask them about those books. I bet the girls would love them.
