Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 years

Aubree's Birthday!  Another year come and gone.  Aubs' was so excited to celebrate.  I tried to explain that her actual birth-DAY was today, but her party was Saturday.  I think she was a bit disappointed..but we made it special.  When I put her to bed last night she said she was so excited to wake up and see what I did.  Uh-oh....I actually didn't have anything planned...cause of her party on Saturday!  CRAP!   Thankfully I had a few things downstairs.  I hung up some streamers from Sophie's party, I hung up a banner from her birthday last year...and made a "5" to go on her door.  When she woke up this morning, this is what she saw:

I ran out of white cupcake liners, and had to use polk-dot ones at the end!  I don't think she noticed. 

Dave and I decided that Aubree would get her presents when he got home from work.  He leaves for work at 7:20 ish and Aubs is NEVER up that early.  
So last night we told her that when Daddy got home from work he would have her special birthday presents from us.  However, she was so excited this morning, she woke up early.  She LOVED her special door and asked if she could please have her presents now instead of after work.  Since it was still in the 6:00 hour (gah!) we said okay.  The three of us headed downstairs and had a quiet little moment. 

Dave left for work and I crashed on the couch while she played with her new toys.  (I was up until after 1:00 and then woken up around 6:30...not a good combo.)

She was content for a couple of hours while Soph and I slept :) then we woke up and got ready.  Grandma came out to take Aubs wherever she wanted.  She picked a bounce house.  Her cousin Kai came and the three of them had a blast.

They ate lunch there, and then we headed home.  On the way back both girls asked me if they could take a nap when we got home.  Why YES.  Yes you can.  :)

When Dave got home we let Aubree pick where she wanted to go for dinner and one other place.
She picked Zupas and "The Big Ther-a-ter" We hadn't taken them to see the Lorax yet so we headed out.

Aunt Cha and Uncle Eric came along for the ride.  It was a good day and got her pumped to have another celebration this weekend.

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