Friday, June 12, 2009

Sophie's Blessing

Sophie's Blessing
June 7th 2009

First off I want to say thank you to all the family and friends that were able to come. It meant a lot to us. Dave gave a beautiful blessing, most of us were crying :) And cute little sophie didn't make a peep. Aubree however kept asking me were daddy was a little distracting....

This is one of the funny pictures, she makes priceless faces.
We couldn't get her to take her fingers out of her mouth.
My friend Chelsea took all these pics. (Thanks Chels)
This dress is so originally was the dress Dave's little sister Rae was blessed in, and now all the Callister grandbabies have been blessed in it.And my favorite, she is so cute!!!!


  1. She's such a cutie! I was so happy to finally see her. I loved the blessing Dave gave her. It was so unique and not like all other baby blessing out there.

  2. Oh my gosh- she has already changed so much since we last saw you guys!! (Was that 2 weeks ago?) So cute!! Wish we could have been there!
