Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

My friend Somer invited Karen and I to attend a honor of The Royal Wedding. I surprised her by asking what wedding? She caught me up real quick, sending me links to interviews and such. So I got to "know" them a little bit. After doing some research Somer decided that 3:00 a.m. was the right time. It started at 2:00, but the actual ceremony was at 4:00 with some fun we got our invite...

And headed over in the wee hours of the morning. This was on the front door. Her husband made it, replicating the real invitations!

When we got there this was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. Cute Somer had our table set up with her MIL's fancy china.
Karen and I were in charge of decorations, and drinks. Karen did these cute cupcake toppers, napkin rings,
And pictures. Look how cute the happy couple is. (She also brought deliciously warm hot chocolate)
I was in charge of the banner and O.J.

Somer hosted and made a delicious brakfast. Blueberry muffins, fresh fruit and breakfast enchiladas. Delicious.

I was surprised how in to it I got. With Karen and Somer educating me I felt like I knew what was going on, and felt the magic of it. I ended up staying until 5:30 (I needed to be home by 6 and nothing exciting was going on...) But we had a BLAST. It's probably the only chance we had to do something like this, and I'm so happy Somer invited us! Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. We did have a jolly ole time didn't me my lady! :) How come your pictures, which are mine, look so much better than mine!?
