Sunday, May 22, 2011

Aubree's first pet

Today was a beautiful day...when it wasn't raining. It was kind of off and on all day. When the kids woke up from their nap it was just too nice to stay inside. So we went on a walk to the Temple. A great Sunday outing that we love. On the way Aubree got really excited because she found a "caterpillar". I went over to see and it was actually a potato bug. I helped her pick it up and she was SO excited for her little bug. A little ways up the road we found a "big fat mommy bug", so she had two. We walked around for a bit and Aubree decided to call them tweedle bugs, then it started to lightly rain so we headed home. We explained to Aubree on the way that we had to leave her bugs outside when we got home, cause they don't live inside. She would not part with them. She was just standing out in the rain looking down at her little bugs and we caved. We got a glass vase..filled it with dirt and such...and brought them in.

Here is her "mommy bug"
She made sure to put her gently in her new home.
She just loves them!
And I think they like it too!

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